Big News: The Sheri + Nancy Show podcast features our notes to self® socks
So honored by the kind words and this wonderful testimonial and endorsement of our notes to self® socks from Sheri Salada and Nancy Hala on their popular The Sheri + Nancy Show podcast.
I met Sheri and Nancy at their amazing ‘This is Fifty’ DreamTribe retreat in August 2018 in California. They believe what we believe about so many things, including how 'words make all the difference'® They loved our socks and the positive messages, so it was only natural that we worked together to create these special socks with their branding and messages: super-branded notes to self® socks for their DreamTribe! Thank you Sheri and Nancy! Your words make all the difference! - Laura
Here's a video of The Pillar Life theme song from that awesome weekend:
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